Those were the days when, in Malaysia, many didn’t know who Shirdi Sai Baba was. He went around distributing Udi from Shirdi, movie about Baba, Shri Sai Satcharitra books, Baba’s pendants, photos, calendars, etc. among his friends.

The history of World Shirdi Sai Baba Society can be traced back to its founder Kannan Baba, an ardent devotee of Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. Once Baba appeared in his dream and told “Come to my house and bring the crying babies” to Shirdi. It took a few years for him to realize the meaning of “crying babies”, that is, to bring the “suffering souls” to Shirdi. Since then, Kannan Baba devoted himself completely to the service of his master Shri Shirdi Sai Baba. His aim was to put into practice and promote the teachings, instructions and philosophy of Shri Sai throughout the world
Those were the days when, in Malaysia, many didn’t know who Shirdi Sai Baba was. He went around distributing Udi from Shirdi, movie about Baba, Shri Sai Satcharitra books, Baba’s pendants, photos, calendars, etc. among his friends.
From then on, started the rigorous trail of building “World Shirdi Sai Baba Organization”, and after years of hard work, sincere efforts and Baba’s blessings, what we have in place is not just a Sai Baba temple, but a huge institution which has branches all over the world today. Wherever they are, they can have access to a Baba temple.
As what Baba had promised…”how ever far you go, even across the seven seas, I will pull you to me as the string tied to the sparrow’s feet”. Baba appeared in Kannan’s visions, and guided him how to expand the “Sai Family”. This vision infused mixed feelings of happiness, contentment, untold bliss, and a gush of positive energy in Kannan Ji.
Leelas of this Sai temple are many. Many got their desires fulfilled; others were blessed with the vision of Sai Baba, and so on. A special peculiarity of this Sai Baba temple in Klang is the Dhuni – the ever burning fire. The Dhuni was lighted in the year 2000 and it is ever-burning till today.
Later in late eighties, he started having ‘bhajan evenings’ at his residence Klang, and delivered messages about Baba’s teachings, conducted dance, drama, musical shows etc. based on Baba’s life-history. Slowly people started looking forward to his gatherings. As space and convenience at his residence became insufficient for the ‘Bhajan Sandhyas’ he moved the venue to his factory in Taman Klang Jaya – Klang.
The Neem Tree (Veepa Maram) at the temple is a wish-fulfilling one. You can make a wish and tie a “Tapeez” around the Neem Tree and you will be surprised that your wishes will never go un-fulfilled. This is indeed a rare specialty of this temple.
Often, Shri Sai would communicate and guide Kannan Baba in his dreams and those who went to meet him for advice were surprised, elated and contented. Whoever came to him with a problem, sickness, etc, went back with a solution from Baba. Such experiences have made a home in the heart of so many Sai devotees and each has a tale of his share of happiness and success to tell.
As what Baba had promised…”how ever far you go, even across the seven seas, I will pull you to me as the string tied to the sparrow’s feet”. Baba appeared in Kannan’s visions, and guided him how to expand the “Sai Family”. This vision infused mixed feelings of happiness, contentment, untold bliss, and a gush of positive energy in Kannan Ji.